IronHeart Issue #11 2018 - AKIO'S EDITION PLUM HOODIE

from $140.00

Ironheart #11 is a dramatic and thrilling issue. The teacup continues, bringing Ironheart, Shuri, Okoye, and Silhouette, making a powerful and dynamic force to be reckoned with. But all the girl power in the world isn’t enough to prevent an emotional blow from landing on Ironheart.

Ironheart, aka Riri Williams, has gone through in her short time on this earth. It has understandably left her with some long-term issues that she has to work out. And it looks like this issue went a long way in adding something else to her list of things to deal with

Ironheart #11 was an emotionally intense issue for Riri. And we can only imagine that it’s going to leave yet another scar on this young woman’s soul. But she’s strong, and thus we know she’ll get through it. In the meantime, we’re going to sit back and look forward to seeing how she gets herself (and her newly found friends) out of this situation.

Only a few will be handmade for preorder! All items are signatured and signed!

Like all my other limited drops, all items are handmade include personal signature and are hand printed to preorder and will be made Please allow 2-3 weeks for shipment of Limited series Art apparel. All Hoodies are made to order and will be shipped out depending on the time preorder was recieved and high demand! We will contact you if an item needs additional time to prepare.

Limited series Art apparel.

All Art Apparel is made to order and will be shipped in the order your preorder was received! We will contact you if an item needs additional time to prepare.

PREORDER IronHeart #11 2018 Plum Hoodie